OnePlus 10 Proの10

The OnePlus 10 Pro’s camera has a 10-bit color mode, which the company says is great for amateur photographers wanting to take the best possible photo, and that it expects the mode to become more common in the future.


  • What are 10-bit color photos?
  • How to activate 10-bit color on the OnePlus 10 Pro
  • Downsides of shooting in 10-bit color
  • What do the photos look like?

Should You Buy OnePlus 10 Pro? Is OnePlus right, and should you be using 10-bit color on the OnePlus 10 Pro? Well, yes, but you’ll have to take my word for what the photos look like, as not only do you need specific hardware to truly appreciate the results, but the format the photos are saved in makes doing anything with them a bit of a hassle(blad). Here’s what you need to know about 10-bit color mode on the OnePlus 10 Pro.

What are 10-bit color photos?

If you’re not a photography expert, there’s every chance you’ve not come across the term 10-bit color before. It refers to the bit depth of an image or video, which is the depth of tone it can contain. Most cameras record in 8-bit color when you shoot and save files in a JPEG format, which contains 256 levels of tone, or 16.7 million colors. Quite a lot, in other words.

However, switch to a device that can capture 10-bit color images of video and the depth of tone leaps to 1,024 levels, which equates to 1.07 billion colors. That’s a lot more, and as we know, bigger numbers are usually better. What does it mean to capture more colors? The benefits come when looking at scenes with color gradients, and when you want to edit your images and video.

A sunset is a good example of where 10-bit color helps take a better image. An 8-bit color photo of a sunset may contain “banding,” where you can see a clear divide between levels of red, yellow, and orange that usually make up a sunset. In a 10-bit color image, this banding disappears and is replaced by a smooth gradient of color.

If you want to deeply edit your photos or video in Photoshop or another program, the additional levels of tone make a big difference to the eventual results. Eight-bit videos and images can’t be upscaled to 10-bit, so you must shoot in 10-bit from the start if that’s what you want. The catch is that JPEG doesn’t support 10-bit, so the images can’t be saved using it. This is where the RAW format comes in, or in the case of stills on the OnePlus 10 Pro, the High Efficiency Image File (HEIF) format.

How to activate 10-bit color on the OnePlus 10 Pro

Now that you know what it does, how do you try it on the OnePlus 10 Pro? To take 10-bit color stills, open the camera app and tap the three dots in the top-right corner of the screen, then select Settings. Scroll down until you see the 10-bit color option and activate it. At the same time, the HEIF option below it will automatically activate. The phone’s camera is now in 10-bit color mode.

Return to the viewfinder and you’ll see a message on the screen reminding you the camera is shooting in 10-bit color. That’s it, now just take photos as you would normally. There’s no additional time needed, or any other steps to follow. The OnePlus 10 Pro will take 10-bit color photos in both the standard Photo mode and in Night mode regardless of which of the three cameras you use, but not in Portrait mode.

Visit the More menu and activate Hasselblad Pro mode, then tap the three dots in the top-right corner and you’ll have the option to save the image as a RAW or RAW Plus file, both of which shoot in 12-bit color. Taking 10-bit or 12-bit photos or video gives far greater flexibility when editing, and can make the image look better when you examine it on a compatible screen. However, before you just leave 10-bit color mode on for good, there are a few important downsides to consider.

Downsides of shooting in 10-bit color

It’s easy to activate the 10-bit color mode and to take photos, but problems arrive when you try to do something with them afterward. First and foremost, you need to view the 10-bit images on a screen that shows 10-bit color. The OnePlus 10 Pro’s screen does support 10-bit color, so you can view the photos taken on it in all their glory. However, there’s a chance your computer monitor or television does not support 10-bit color. Shoot in 12-bit color using Hasselblad Pro mode, and not even the OnePlus 10 Pro’s screen will show the improvement over 10-bit color.

The other downside is the HEIF file format, which is a bit of a pain. A 10-bit pain, if you like. The problem is compatibility, as although you can edit the photos on the OnePlus 10 Pro and in dedicated photo editing software, sharing them is far harder. Google Photos doesn’t support HEIF files, so they just appear as black squares in the Gallery, but you can download them onto your phone to view. Google Drive doesn’t show them as previews either.

TwitterはあなたがHeifファイルをアップロードすることを可能にしません、そしてInstagramがファイルを受け入れる間、サービスは10ビットの色をサポートしていませんので、それは少し無意味です。 ChromeやSafariのようなブラウザがファイルをサポートしていないため、一般的なWebはHeif - (またはHeic-、Appleの同等のファイル形式)フレンドリーな場所ではありません。 HEIFファイルを印刷するには、それをJPEGに変換する必要があります。これは、収集された追加情報を失うことを意味します。



ここでは美しい10ビットカラー写真のギャラリーを想像してみてください。 Heifフォーマットのイライラしている癖が私があなたに簡単に見せることができないということを意味する必要があるでしょう。たとえデジタルトレンドのメディアライブラリがHEIFファイルをサポートしていた場合でも、ブラウザはそれらを表示しません、そして、あなたのモニタまたは電話の画面に10ビットの色が表示されないことが強い可能性があります。あなたはちょうどきれいに見えるように私の言葉を取る必要があります。

OnePlus 10 ProのAmoled Screenでそれらを見ると、10ビットカラー写真と8ビットJPEGの間に明確な違いがあります。日没の8ビットのJPEGは、私が見ることができる特定のバンディングを含んでいませんでしたが、10ビットの写真では色の深さがありました。私はそれを「より豊かに」と呼んでいます、そしてそれは優れた改善ではありませんが、シーンはより多くの大気に見えました。私は結果が好きで、正しい状況では10ビットのカラーモードが本当に驚くべき写真を生産することができると想像してみてください、しかし他の時には8ビットと10ビットの間の違いが何であるかを見て疑問に思うかもしれません。

これは、OnePlus 10 Proに関するこの珍しい機能を意味するのでしょうか。彼らの写真を編集したい人たちは、彼らが10ビットのカラーモードをどのように感謝するのかを正確に見てみる人たちが、必要なソフトウェアとハードウェアを最も凌駕する可能性が高いです。

